Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Marshall McLuhan had great views on media and its growth.  He explains how media is a type of extension of a person in form of a function. If you think about this and something such as a cell phone it makes sense. A cell phone is like an extension of a person that extends the communication boundaries of themselves. Now a person can communicate miles away without even having to be near someone. Same with television. To tell someone a story verbally is not needed since it can be sent to millions of people worldwide at one time. So many examples can be given with this theory and be obvious.
 In one of his quotes he tells about the power of advertising. This i have never thought of and now has come to mind as one of the strongest influences in our culture that changes us. If most advertisements on media is about a girl and a structure that attracts men, this can shape our culture into believing and applying it. Women see this and shape themselves into what is thought that men seek and men may seek this because of the thought it is norm or what is wanted.  The power of advertising is tremendous. Think about products you own. How did you first hear of them? Guarentee is was through media or someone that had seen it through a type of media. Media has the power to change much of anything in a society and culture.
http://www.leaderu.com/orgs/probe/docs/mcluhan.html <Qoute

McLuhan's tetrad is an unbelievable logic. The tetrad ask questions of what does a medium enhance, obsolete, retrieve, and push to the extremes. After answering these question about a new technology or medium, it can be seen what is happening in technology. A HD 3d Tv is a good example. It enhances standard CRT tv's and graphics. This makes the standard tv's obsolete at some point. This brings back the usage of TV instead of computers all the time , especially with the 3D. When the tv was pushed to the limits the HD and 3D capabilities were invented. I can see the limit being pushed further and maybe becoming TV that appears as holograms maybe. This tetrad can make people think about what advancements have came and what can come at the same time. This tetrad  can be see as a tool for technology and media enhancements and evolution.

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